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Hervault M, Wessel JR (in press). Common and unique neurophysiological processes that support the stopping and revising of actions. The Journal of Neuroscience
Sanchez-Melendez HO, Hendrickson K, Choo Y, Wessel JR (2025). Lexical inhibition after semantic violations recruits a domain-general inhibitory control mechanism. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 154(1), 249–262
Hervault M, Soh C, Wessel JR (2025). Does the stop-signal P3 reflect inhibitory control? Cortex 183(2):232-250
Wessel JR (2025). Action stopping. In: Grafman, J.H. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, Second Edition, vol. 3, pp. 184–205. USA: Elsevier.
Tatz JR, Carlson MO, Lovig C, Wessel JR (2024). Examining motor evidence for the pause-then-cancel model of action-stopping: Insights from motor system physiology. Journal of Neurophysiology 132(5):1589-1607
Soh C, Hervault M, Chalkley NH, Moore CM, Rohl A, Zhang Q, Uc EY, Greenlee JDW, Wessel JR (2024). The human subthalamic nucleus transiently inhibits active attentional processes. Brain 147(9):3204-3215
Diesburg DA, Wessel JR, Jones SR (2024). Biophysical modeling of frontocentral ERP generation links circuit-level mechanisms of action-stopping to a behavioral race model. The Journal of Neuroscience 44(20):e2016232024
Wessel JR, Anderson MC (2024). Neural mechanisms for domain-general inhibitory control. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 28 (2), 124-143
Rangel BO, Novembre G, Wessel JR (2024). Measuring the non-selective effects of motor inhibition using isometric force recordings. Behavior Research Methods 56, 4486-4503
Kim J, Wessel JR, Hendrickson K (2023). Inhibition of lexical representations after violated semantic predictions. Cognition 240: 105585
Choo Y, Mather A, Wessel JR (2023). Early action-error processing is due to domain-general surprise, whereas later processing is error-specific. The Journal of Neuroscience 43(45):7678-7689
Rangel BO, Hazeltine E, Wessel JR (2023). Lingering neural representations of past task features adversely affect future behavior. The Journal of Neuroscience 43 (2), 282-292
Cole RC, Espinoza AI, Singh A, Berger JI, Cavanagh JF, Wessel JR, Greenlee JDW, Narayanan NS (2023). Novelty-induced frontal-STN networks in Parkinson's disease. Cerebral Cortex 33 (2), 469-485
Tatz J, Mather A, Wessel JR (2023). β-Bursts over Frontal Cortex Track the Surprise of Unexpected Events in Auditory, Visual, and Tactile Modalities. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 35 (3), 485-508
Muller-Ewald V, Trapp NT, Sarrett ME, Pace BD, Wendt L, Richards J, Gala I, Miller J, Wessel JR, Magnotta V, Wemmie J, Boes A, Parker K (2023). Supra-second interval timing in bipolar disorder: examining the role of disorder sub-type, mood, and medication status. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 11(1):32
Singh A, Cole RC, Espinoza AI, Wessel JR, Cavanagh JF, Narayanan NS (2023). Evoked midfrontal activity predicts cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 94(11):945-953
Choo Y, Matzke D, Bowren M, Tranel D, Wessel JR (2022). Right inferior frontal cortex damage impairs the initiation of inhibitory control, but not its implementation. eLife 11, e79667
Guan Y, Wessel JR (2022). Two types of motor inhibition after action errors in humans. The Journal of Neuroscience 32(17):3785-3791
Wessel JR, Diesburg DA, Chalkley NH, & Greenlee JD (2022). A Causal Role for the Human Subthalamic Nucleus in Non-Selective Cortico-Motor Inhibition. Current Biology 32(17):3785-3791
Wessel JR, Jiang J, Stolley JJ (2022). Action errors impair active working memory maintenance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 51(6):1325-1340
Diesburg DA, Greenlee JDW, Wessel JR (2021). Cortico-subcortical β burst dynamics underlying movement cancellation in humans. eLife 10:e70270
Kang K, Alexander N, Wessel JR, Wimberger P, Nitzsche K, Kirschbaum C, Li S (2021). Neurocognitive development of novelty and error monitoring in children and adolescents. Scientific Reports 11(1):19844
Tatz JR, Soh S, Wessel JR (2021). Common and unique inhibitory control signatures of action-stopping and attentional capture suggest that actions are stopped in two stages. Journal of Neuroscience 41(42):8826-8838
Guan Y, Wessel JR (2021). Timing-dependent Differential Effects of Unexpected Events on Error Processing Reveal the Interactive Dynamics of Surprise and Error Processing. Psychophysiology 58(12):e13922
Soh C, Hynd M, Rangel BO, Wessel JR (2021). Adjustments to proactive motor inhibition without effector-specific foreknowledge are reflected in a bilateral upregulation of sensorimotor β-burst rates. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33(5):784-798
Diesburg DA, Wessel JR (2021). The Pause-then-Cancel model of human action-stopping: theoretical considerations and empirical evidence. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 129:17-34
Hynd M, Soh C, Rangel BO, Wessel JR (2021). Paired-pulse TMS & scalp EEG reveal systematic relationship between inhibitory GABAa signaling in M1 and fronto-central cortical activity during action-stopping. Journal of Neurophysiology 125(2):648-660
Soh C, Wessel JR (2021). Unexpected sounds non-selectively inhibit active visual stimulus representations. Cerebral Cortex 31(3):1632-1646
Iacullo C, Diesburg DA, Wessel JR (2020). Non-selective inhibition of the motor system following unexpected and expected infrequent events. Experimental Brain Research 238(12):2701-2710
Wessel JR (2020). β-bursts reveal the trial-to-trial dynamics of movement initiation and cancellation. The Journal of Neuroscience 40(2):411-423
Narayanan NS, Wessel JR, Greenlee JDW (2020). The Fastest Way to Stop: Inhibitory Control and IFG-STN Hyperdirect Connectivity. Neuron 106(4): 549-551
Dykstra T, Waller DA, Hazeltine E, Wessel JR (2020). Leveling the field for a fairer race between going and stopping: Neural evidence for the race model of motor inhibition from a new version of the stop-signal task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 32(4):590-602
Wessel JR, Huber DE (2019). Frontal cortex tracks surprise separately for different sensory modalities but engages a common inhibitory control mechanism. PLoS Computational Biology 15(7):e1006927
Waller DA, Hazeltine E, Wessel JR (2019). Common and independent neural processes during action-stopping and infrequent stimulus detection: the P3a as an index of generic motor inhibition. International Journal of Psychophysiology S0167-8760(18)30347-7
Wessel JR, Waller DA, Greenlee JDW (2019). Non-selective suppression of inappropriate motor-tendencies during response-conflict by a fronto-subthalamic mechanism for inhibitory control. eLife 2019;8:e42959
Verbruggen F, Aron AR, Band GP, Beste C, Bissett PG, Brockett AT, Brown J, Chamberlain SR, Chambers C, Colonius H, Colzato L, Corneil BD, Coxon JP, Dupuis A, Eagle D, Garavan H, Greenhouse I, Heathcote A, Huster R, Jahfari S, Kenemans JL, Leunissen I, Logan G, Matzke D, Morein-Zamir S, Murthy A, Li CR, Paré M, Poldrack R, Ridderinkhof KR, Robbins TW, Roesch M, Rubia K, Schachar R, Schall JD, Stock AK, Swann NC, Thakkar K, van der Molen M, Vermeylen L, Vink M, Wessel JR, Whelan R, Zandbelt B, Boehler CN (2019). Capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors: A consensus guide to the stop-signal task. eLife 8:e46323
Wessel JR, Gorgolewski KJ, Bellec P (2019). Switching software in science: motivations, challenges and solutions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 23(4):265-267
Wessel JR, Dolan KA, Hollingworth A (2018). A blunted phasic autonomic response to errors indexes age-related deficits in error awareness. Neurobiology of Aging 71:13-20
Wessel JR (2018). Surprise: A more realistic framework for studying action-stopping? Trends in Cognitive Sciences 22(9):741-744
Wessel JR (2018). An adaptive orienting theory of error processing. Psychophysiology 55(3)
Wessel JR (2018). Prepotent motor activity and inhibitory control demands in different variants of the Go/Nogo paradigm. Psychophysiology 55(3)
Ghahremani A, Wessel JR, Udupa K, Neagu B, Zhuang P, Saha U, Kalia SK, Hodaie M, Lozano AM, Aron AR, Chen R (2018). Stopping and slowing manual and spoken responses: Similar oscillatory signatures recorded from the subthalamic nucleus. Brain and Language 176:1-10
Dutra IC, Waller DA, Wessel JR (2018). Perceptual surprise improves action stopping by non-selectively suppressing motor activity via a neural mechanism for motor inhibition. The Journal of Neuroscience 38 (6) 1482-1492
Wessel JR (2018). A neural mechanism for surprise-related interruptions of visuospatial working memory. Cerebral Cortex 28(1):199-212
Wessel JR (2018). Testing multiple psychological processes for common neural mechanisms using EEG and independent component analysis. Brain Topography 31(1):90-100
Wagner J, Wessel JR, Ghahremani A, Aron AR (2018). Establishing a right frontal beta signature for stopping action in scalp EEG: implications for testing inhibitory control in other task contexts. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 30(1):107-118
Kelley R, Flouty O, Emmons EB, Kim Y, Kingyon J, Wessel JR, Oya H, Greenlee JD, Narayanan NS (2018). A human prefrontal-subthalamic circuit for cognitive control. Brain 141(1):205-216
Wessel JR (2017). Perceptual surprise aides inhibitory motor control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43(9):1585-1593
Wessel JR, Aron AR (2017). On the globality of motor suppression: unexpected events and their influence on behavior and cognition. Neuron 93 (2): 259–280
Wessel JR, Ghahremani A, Udupa K, Saha U, Kalia SK, Hodaie M, Lozano AM, Aron AR, Chen R (2016). Stop-related subthalamic beta activity indexes global motor suppression in Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders 31(12):1846-1853.
Wessel JR, Jenkinson N, Brittain JS, Voets SE, Aziz T, Aron AR (2016). Surprise disrupts cognition via a fronto-basal ganglia supressive mechanism. Nature Communications 7:11195
Wessel JR, Ullsperger M, Obrig H, Villringer A, Quinque E, Schroeter ML, Bretschneider KL, Arelin K, Roggenhofer E, Frisch S, Klein TA (in press). Neural synchrony indexes impaired motor slowing after errors and novelty following white-matter damage. Neurobiology of Aging 38:205-13
Wessel JR, Tonneson A, Aron AR (2015). Stimulus devaluation induced by action stopping is greater for explicit value representations. Frontiers in Psychology 6:1640
Wessel JR, Aron AR (2015). It's not too late: The onset of the fronto-central P3 indexes successful response inhibition in the stop-signal paradigm. Psychophysiology 52(4):472-80
Wessel JR, O'Doherty JP, Berkebile M, Linderman D, Aron AR (2014). Stimulus devaluation caused by stopping action. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143(6):2316-29
Wessel JR, Aron AR (2014). Inhibitory motor control based on complex stopping goals relies on the same brain network as simple stopping. NeuroImage 103C:225-234
Wessel JR (2014). Performance-monitoring in realistic environments: can translating neuroscientific insights augment real-world behavioral adaptation? The Journal of Neuroscience 34(27):8934-6
Wessel JR, Klein TA, Ott DV, Ullsperger M (2014). Lesions to the prefrontal performance-monitoring network disrupt neuronal processing and adaptive behaviors after both errors and novelty. Cortex 50, 45-54
Wessel JR, Conner CR, Aron AR, Tandon N (2013). Chronometric stimulation of right inferior frontal cortex increases motor braking. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(50):19611-19619
Wessel JR, Aron AR (2013). Unexpected events induce motor slowing via a brain mechanism for action-stopping with global suppressive effects. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(47):18481-91.
Wessel JR, Reynoso HS, Aron AR (2013). Saccade suppression exerts global effects on the motor system. Journal of Neurophysiology 110(4):883-90
Greenhouse I, Wessel JR (2013). EEG signatures associated with stopping are sensitive to preparation. Psychophysiology 50(9):900-8
Itthipuripat S, Wessel JR, Aron AR (2013). Frontal theta is a signature of successful working memory manipulation. Experimental Brain Research 224(2): 255-62
Wessel JR (2012). From "neural correlates of consciousness" to "neural causes of consciousness". Physics of Life Reviews 9: 299-300
Wessel JR, Danielmeier C, Morton JB, Ullsperger M (2012). Surprise and error: Common neuronal architecture for processing errors and novelty. The Journal of Neuroscience 32(22):7528-7537
Wessel JR (2012). Error awareness and the error-related negativity: Evaluating the first decade of evidence. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 6: 88
Wessel JR, Haider H, Rose M (2012). The transition from implicit to explicit representations in incidental learning situations: More evidence from high-frequency EEG coupling. Experimental Brain Research 217 (1): 153 - 162
Wessel JR, Danielmeier C, Ullsperger M (2011). Error awareness revisited: Accumulation of multi-modal evidence from central and autonomic nervous systems. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (10): 3021 - 3036
Wessel JR, Ullsperger M (2011). Selection of independent components comprising event-related potentials - A data driven approach for greater objectivity. NeuroImage 54 (3): 2105 - 2115
Ullsperger M, Harsay H, Wessel JR, Ridderinkhof, KR (2010). Conscious awareness of errors and its relation to the anterior insula. Brain Structure and Function 214 (5-6): 629 - 43
Danielmeier C, Wessel JR, Steinhauser M, Ullsperger, M (2009). Modulation of the error-related negativity by response conflict. Psychophysiology 46 (6): 1288 - 98